Full Commission

February 22, 2021

Approved Minutes (02.22.2021)
Document includes agenda, approved minutes, meeting slides, and presentation slides from HRWF Subcommittee on Archives & Research (02.01.21)

YouTube Livestream


3:00-3:05PM. Call to Order, Jim Leloudis and Pat Parker, Co-Chairs

  • Welcome
  • Roll Call
  • Approval of Minutes, January 25, 2021 Mtg.

3:05-3:20PM. Subcommittee Reports. Led by Various Commission Members

  • Archives, History, Research, and Curation (02.01.21)
  • Engagement, Ethics, and Reckoning (02.15.21)

3:20-3:55PM. Introduction of Consensus Workshops + Q&A
HRWF to begin a focus planning process with Turn of Events to build the commission priorities for the next two years.

Mayme Webb-Bledsoe, Assistant Vice President and Director, Duke Durham Neighborhood Partnership and Community Development for the Office of Durham Community Affairs

Barbara Lau, Executive Director, Pauli Murray Center for History and Social Justice

Monica D. Murphy, MPH, CTF, Facilitation Consultant and Trainer, Murphy Dynamics, LLC

3:55PM. Schedule Change Announcements and Adjourn