Full Commission

July 10, 2020

YouTube Livestream

View approved minutes (07.10.20)
Document includes agenda, approved minutes, presentation, and supporting material.
Please Note:  This document contains racially offensive images and text.

YouTube Livestream


3:00-3:05PM. Call to Order, Jim Leloudis and Pat Parker, Co-Chairs

  • Welcome and Roll Call
  • Approval of Minutes from May 8 Mtg.

3:05-3:30PM. Framework for the Commission’s Work, Pat Parker and Various Commission Members

W.K. Kellogg – Truth, Racial Healing and Reconciliation: http://healourcommunities.org

This will be a general discussion of the framework’s components, highlighting its practical applicability to our work.

3:30-4:15PM. Recommendation to Chancellor Guskiewicz for removal of names on buildings, Jim Leloudis

Discussion of four dossiers and a vote on a recommendation to the Chancellor for the removal of names.

4:10-4:30PM. Action Plan going forward, Led by co-chairs

General discussion to “tee-up” important action items.

4:30PM. Adjourn