Full Commission
May 8, 2020
YouTube Livestream
View a printable agenda (05.08.2020)
View meeting minutes (05.08.2020)
11:00-11:15AM. Call to Order, Jim Leloudis & Pat Parker, Co-Chairs
- Welcome & Introduction of Student Commission Members
- Roll Call
- Approval of Minutes from March 3rd Meeting
11:15-11:45AM. Presentation, Kirt von Daacke, Andrea Douglas, and Ashley Schmidt from the University of Virginia
A brief overview and conversation with the leaders of the President’s Commission on Slavery & the University and the President’s Commission on the University in the Age of Segregation at the University of Virginia
11:45AM-12:20PM. Subcommittee Reports and Discussion, Various Commission Members
- Archives, History, Research, and Curation
- Curriculum Development and Teaching
- Engagement, Ethics, and Reckoning
- Committee Discussion: Recommendations on next steps for Unsung Founders Memorial
12:20-12:30PM. Next Steps, Led by co-chairs
- Meeting schedule
- New Resources (HRWF Website)
12:30PM. Adjourn